1. The time for talk is over - we’ll soon find out just how good this Wisconsin team can be.
This is my eighth season covering Wisconsin’s football season - not the longest stretch on this beat at all, but enough where I feel live I’ve been around the block a bit. But I’m excited for this season in particular to start in part because the only other year where I think the Badgers had this much pre-season hype was 2011. You might remember that the Badgers - particularly their offense - were as good as advertised that year.
And now after several months’ worth of talk about what this season will look like for the Badgers we’ve finally arrived at game week. Only time will tell if this year’s team will live up to expectations like the 2011 squad did, but make sure you enjoy the run-up to Wisconsin’s first game. There are a lot of programs in college football that would move heaven and earth to be where the Badgers are right now.